How Do You Do?
How does a chicken say, 'Hi'?
How does a cow say, 'Hello'?
I know. Do you?
A fun, rhyming story introducing the concepts of greetings and good manners, as well as animal sounds to little children.
Themes: animal sounds, farm animals, pets, domestic animals, greetings, good manners, politeness, salutations.
Author: J.R. Poulter
Illustrator: Barb Dragony
Illustrator and Book Designer: Takara Beech
32 page picture book for junior and pre-school children.
AU$18.95 +GST
"What a wonderful way for little ones to practise their emerging understanding of animal and sound association, learn the courtesy of greetings, as well as exposing them to the power of rhyme."
Adrienne T. O'Connell, B.A. / Grad. Dip. Ed / Taught children from indigenous classrooms in the outback to multicultural classrooms in the city.
What went into creating 'HOW DO YOU DO?'...
Lots of love! A lot of stories arrive on my desk the wrong size, shape or even resolution. I get to move images around, add text, work on the flow of the book, like how to engineer page turns, how much text goes where, how much image goes where, what's the best way to tell this story, are the characters facing the right direction to move us through the story, plus the intricacies of publishing the actual book. I make words and pictures look professional and fun.
Often I even get to draw stuff! I love working with illustrators styles and problem solving new pages. Below I was privileged to take Barb's style and images to create over 8 totally new pages!
How Do You Do: Picture Book Author J.R.Poulter Illustrator Barb Dragony Designer Takara Beech
How Do You Do: Picture Book Author J.R.Poulter Illustrator Barb Dragony Designer Takara Beech
How Do You Do: Picture Book Author J.R.Poulter Illustrator Barb Dragony Designer Takara Beech
How Do You Do: Picture Book Author J.R.Poulter Illustrator Barb Dragony Designer Takara Beech
How Do You Do: Picture Book Author J.R.Poulter Illustrator Barb Dragony Designer Takara Beech
How Do You Do: Picture Book Author J.R.Poulter Illustrator Barb Dragony Designer Takara Beech
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