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About Takara Beech

Illustrator, Story Designer, Artist, Book Creator, Takara Beech illustrates and designs books from picture and middle grade books to Urban Aerial Yoga books. She is the co-creator of 13 books to be released in 2016 and 2017.


She believes in creating an immersive story experience through extended product design. She loves that you can touch and play and snuggle up in her art and designs.

She has a Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Design and an illustration degree from the ‘school of perseverance and forever learning.’ Takara loves to inspire the imaginations of children and adults through her art and designs. She believes anyone can enjoy painting and the art of creation as a fun, holistic and healing activity.


If you see something you like on a print or this site but prefer it on another product, reach out and let her know. She'd love to hear from you.

What she can do for you.



Do you only illustrate & design picture books and middle grade books?


"I illustrate & design all kinds of books and other things too. My drawings can be found on coffee cups, pillows, on posters, hanging as original art or as interior design objects in homes. You can drink from my art, sleep on my art, exercise in my art, it's so much fun to do that."



  • Make your book look and function better.

  • Illustrate & design images that capture the mood & personality of your project.

  • Meet deadlines on time.

  • Transform your frustrating designs and illustrations into a product that your customers will want to buy.

  • Make creations that inspire,

  • capture joy, moments and friendship.

  • If you have any questions, contact me, I'd be happy to try and answer them for you.

Let's talk 

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How to contact her.



© Takara Beech 2017


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