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Is Your Environment Killing Creativity? Seven Ways to Fix It plus a Free pdf

Environment has a huge impact on how we feel and what we achieve.

The environments we create in our mind also impact our progress. For example, when we're thinking ‘my house is messy, my floor needs washing, my windows are dirty, I need to iron, I better do those dishes, just look at the muck that’s built up in the sliding door tracks because my children find it easier to whoosh the dirt outside the door, rather than collect it with a dust pan,. Where does it go? Not outside… In the tracks!‘


Eventually we feel overwhelmed and lose all creative desire. The power of our mind also gifts us with the physical manifestation of what we're thinking about most … mess.

Is your home messy, your head messy, your work space messy, your car messy?

Take back control…

Change the environment you live in …

“The environments that we live in, either inspire us or expire us. They facilitate our success or they detract from our success. They energize us or they drain us. They relax us or they stress us. The good news is that we have a lot of control of the environments that affect us….

Your outer world matches your inner world. So if you want bigger results and greater success – start by changing yourself!” Jack Canfield.

Spend some of your time working on changing your environments so you can do the things you love to do. Here are some suggestions to help:

1. Pretend you're the hired cleaner, set a time limit and do as much as you can in that time. Start with 40 minutes a day. Do this consistently and you'll smash a dent in getting organised in no time. Or better still - hire a cleaner.

2. Make sure your work space stays clean. Organise it so that it becomes an area you look forward to spending time in.

If you're an artist who isn't an organised linear thinker, meaning you have a million ideas, colours, media, stories bouncing around in your brain... then odds are your studio is messy. If you suffer from 'messy studio syndrome' think about how you can create a space that is gorgeous to look at and inspiring. You don't have to go for dull grey folders! Keep your diamanté in your egg cup collection, store your pencils in glass pasta jars or pop your paintbrushes in a planter full of sand. There's more ideas like these on my pinterest board.

3. Declutter - for some this is painful. If you haven't used it in the past 12 months, give it to someone who will!

4. Don't beat yourself up for not being able to do everything. Just do what you can and be persistent.

5. Clean as you go. Don't pile things on the counter, in the sink or on your desk.

6. Take a week off and focus on cleaning out everything! Now you can start fresh.

7. Try the KonMari method, determine if each item sparks joy and envision how you want your environment to look and feel. If it doesn't feel like it belongs anymore, send it to a new home.

8. Ask yourself the following:

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