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"Self is Created not Found"

I just wanted to share a page with you that will evolve as I evolve. The links and tid-bits are ones that have helped me. I hope they will help you with your own self creation journey.


On some of the links I will receive a commission if you click on them & buy something. I'll put a little gift box        next to them. I only link to products that have helped me.

The Renaissance Soul by Margaret Lubenstein


I was having trouble figuring out what to do with my life, there's so many options! ... Do you feel like this too? Do you feel like you don't have one singular passion & jump from project to project? Does the thought of being locked into one thing for the rest of your life makes you want to run not a mile but miles! So you may not even start! Does that one job, that one position that will define you, keep eluding you? Do you have lots of unfinished projects yet happily move on to starting something new?... You could be a Renaissance Soul. ... To find out if you are I've set up a quick quiz ...




photograph belongs to © Takara Beech
Renaissance Soul friend
Buy Renaissance Soul

© Takara Beech 2017


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